Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Babel Principle

Early in the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, people began building a great tower, supposedly to reach into heaven. God did not want them to build the tower so he smote them so that they all spoke different languages and could not understand each other. This represents a very important aspect of God's plan for the world that has been at work in human history ever since.

Human history is intended by God as a test. It is to prove that only God's ways are right and that the ways of Satan or of man without God are wrong. During this first phase of human history, God does not want any one ideology or religion to rule the world. He does not even want it to be Christian if that would mean that people would be forced to be Christians. He wants them to come to him through Jesus of their own free will.

What I will refer to as the "Babel Principle" can easily be seen in the world today in spite of what a global village we have become. The mutual incomprehension of different languages lasted for thousands of years and although this is no longer the case today, the world consists of a mosaic of different cultural groups.

The result is that whenever a large-scale ideology or belief system forms in the world, such as Communism or a religion, people in different lands will see and interpret it in different ways due to their different cultural backgrounds and ways of thinking. This will cause a splintering in the belief system and even though it may spread across the world, this splintering will prevent it from actually dominating the world.

Thus, the world will remain a "free market" of ideas until the next phase of human history, the actual rule of Jesus over the world. This phase will show beyond any doubt that God's way is the right way because the actual rule of Jesus will make the world into the paradise that it was always intended to be. Any disputes between nations or groups of people during that time will be immediately mediated and judged by Jesus himself.

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