Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Empire Strategy

Satan is in opposition to the Will of God but he can only work by using human beings. We can see Satan's handprints all over the past few hundred years.

The reason that Christianity spread so fast was the Roman Empire. Israel was under Roman control during the time of Jesus and the religion spread rapidly along the empire's roads and by it's postal system. Had there been a patchwork of separate countries instead of one empire, the spread would have been much slower. I believe that Satan never forgot this.

Europe became the heartland of Christianity. I believe the Reformation to have certainly been the work of God, but it also gave Satan a chance to give religion a very negative image by promoting more than a century of religious warfare between Protestants and Catholics after the Reformation.

The modern political era began with the French Revolution of 1789. There was a deep hostility to the church among the revolutionaries for this was the Age of Reason when faith was being put in the reasoning powers of human beings instead of in God. Suppose Satan could spread this hostility toward the church all across the Christian heartland?

The French Revolution did not turn out as planned. In fact, it ended up as a dictatorship under Napoleon. His forces conquered, at least for a while, almost the entirety of Europe. Was this a part of Satan's plan to destroy Christianity?

The Industrial Revolution was underway. The rural agricultural way of life was largely replaced by factories and machines. There is a very strong connection between industrialism and secularism. Farming people spend the day dealing with, and being awed by, what God has created. But while working in a factory building sorrounded by man-made machines, they can see only what man has created.

I say that it is no coincidence that secularism did not become widespread until large numbers of people were working in factories instead of on farms. Just as it is no coincidence that America's Bible Belt is in what was traditionally the most agricultural region of the country. The Theory of Evolution is a product of the industrial age and uses a mechanical factory-like process to try to explain the development of life.

Has anyone ever noticed that the Theory of Evolution was developed when the British Empire was at it's height? Could Satan, remembering the rapid spread of Christianity through the Roman Empire, have been hoping to bring evolution and secularism to the world through the British Empire?

Human beings made more and more scientific discoveries and became ever-more adept with all kinds of new technologies. What if Satan could destroy the European heartland of Christanity with a cataclysmic war like the world had never seen before? Horrible new weapons appeared and European nations had a complex tangle of alliances and pacts among themselves.

Finally, Europe was at the point where only a spark was required to set it off. In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was visiting Serbia. A nineteen-year-old anarchist appeared with a gun and shot him. The government of Austria-Hungary was enraged. Russia had an alliance with Serbia. Germany had an alliance with Austria-hungary. France was bound to Russia by treaty, causing Germany to expect an attack on it's western border by France.

It all exploded into World War One, a war such as the world had never seen before. The war came to an end but at the Versailles Conference, where the armistice was signed, Germany was treated unfairly by the victorious allies, who insisted it had to pay the entire cost of the war. Satan must have known that this would ensure a rematch when the sons of the war veterans reached military age.

Satan knew the Bible prophecies of the Last Days of the world and he knew that it must be on the horizon. He knew that the culmination of the prophetic scenario is the end of him also. The prophecies of the End of the World revolve around the Jews returning to and reestablishing the nation of Israel and the great world leader of the future, known in the Bible as the Antichrist.

But what if Satan could take action and foil God's plans? Most of the Jews were in Europe, which was also the traditional heartland of Christianity. What if he could get a strong leader with a powerful army to quickly conquer Europe and kill all of the Jews? That would foil God's plans and give him his powerful leader over what once was Christianity's European base. Along came Adolph Hitler.

Satan's plan didn't work, although it did come close. But when the war ended, he had another powerful force against Christianity. Communism enforced atheism and looked like it could well be the future of the world, which would bring an end to widespread Christianity and achieve Satan's goal. That did not work in the long run either and by the 1990s, it was the United States, a predominantly Christian country that called itself "One nation under God" that was the strongest country in the world.

But Satan never gives up. By this time, the world was logged into the world wide web as well as being covered by television and instant news. Satan managed to see to it that when the world looked toward the U.S., they did not see a great Christian country that showed them how they should be living. Instead, they saw movies with every other word beginning with F and every other scene a shootout. They saw an unbelievable crime rate, school shootings, drugs and endless decadence in the U.S. as well as Europe.

Satan isn't finished yet. He will get a great worldly leader under his control. He will have his chance to run the world his way for a while after the Christians are taken out by Jesus. But it will turn into the greatest disaster the world has ever known or ever will know, the Bible prophecies of the End of the World. But following that, his time will be finished and Jesus will directly rule the earth, making it the paradise that it was always intended to be.

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